Clean and renew each of your organs

Conserving and improving your health — Flor de lotus

I have already mentioned, in another text, “Leptons, Quarks and Gluons” how the brain, our mind, commands the entire functioning of each small brick in our body, our skin (our casing), and all its contents, and how we can interfere with these commands.

I will now go a step further in integrating these bricks, examining our specific organs, and how to clean and regenerate them to an earlier time, if possible, to when we have become mature adults.

The spleen acts as an integral part of the lymphatic and vascular system, occupying a unique position that allows it to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and destroy anomalous, altered or aged red blood cells. It also removes iron from the haemoglobin of red blood cells for later use by the body, as well as residual substances such as bile pigments for their excretion, in the form of bile, through the liver.

Manufactures antibodies against different types of blood cells and infectious microorganisms; acts as a reservoir for blood and other blood cells.

Bone marrow, also known as marrow, is a gelatinous tissue that fills the internal cavity of many bones and manufactures blood elements such as red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. If the production of red blood cells and platelets is of fundamental importance for health, the leukocytes, which are part of the body’s immune system, have the function of combating and eliminating microorganisms and chemical structures that are foreign to the body by capturing them and also antibody production.

Importantly, here for our case, the bone marrow contains stem cells, which can originate any other part of the body, including the placenta for the development of a fetus.

Thus, we have a dual system for cleaning organs and cells and another for cell regeneration. The brain has a specific system, in parallel with the circulatory system, as the brain does not have a lymphatic system; it was named after the lymphatic system.

Cleaning and regenerating your organs arterial-anatomy

Although you already know the obvious things by heart, I repeat:

Your health depends on a healthy and balanced diet (with infrequent exceptions allowed, appreciated, and even desirable…), some exercise, and water, lots of water.

1- Cleaning

This you can do any day or time, standing, sitting or lying down, as long as you are in an environment where you can isolate yourself from what is happening around you; over time you will be able to do it even in any environment.

• Feel your pulse, “feel” the blood passing through your spleen, charging up with antibodies, “feel” the bloodstream passing through the marrow of your larger bones and, especially those in your ribs, charging up with more antibodies and white blood cells, or white blood cells, with a raging hunger to eat anything foreign to the perfect functioning of your body (including things that have clung to arteries, veins, organs, like fats and foreign organisms).

• Once the blood is loaded with “cleansers”, begin to feel your breathing and the blood working full of brooms, cleaning it all from the bottom up (or vice versa), from its sheath and to all the alveoli in the lungs. We have to start with the lungs, as they are the primary source of blood purification (you will deal with the other cleansing organs later on).

• If you are a smoker, if possible, do not stop smoking until the end of the treatment and then compare results.

• Notice the blood coming out of the lungs clean and only loaded with oxygen, and the figurative elements of the blood, reinforced by the added antibodies and white blood cells.

• The blood thus prepared goes to the aorta, which sends it to the entire circulatory system, directly and mainly to the coronary, carotid, and brachial arteries.

• Start with the coronary arteries, and “feel” that your coronary arteries are being swept by a stream of new blood, full of “cleansers” that sweep away any foreign elements and, mainly, plaques of fat; notice the blood from the coronary arteries circulating through all its branches and through the interior of the heart; wait a few seconds and then see that the waste and debris have been cleared by the kidneys, return to the lungs, from there resume circulation to complete the cleaning in other organs.

• Continue to feel the flow up the jugular veins, left and right, clearing the carotids[1], entering the base of the brain, and making its way throughout the brain and through the myriad blood vessels that feed and clean each neuron; and its back through the left and right rear veins, carrying all the dirt, alongside and parallel to the sympathetic system (but don’t think about this system, focus on the blood leaving the brain and going to primary kidney cleansing and oxygenation. in the lungs).

• Blood continues to flow through the jugular veins and now runs down the cervical spine, supplying and cleaning all the veins that run through the nervous system, neck, face; from each bundle of nerves that depart from each intervertebral disc (you don’t need to know this name, it’s the separation between the vertebrae); in addition to treating the nervous system, you follow the flow by clearing each organ in the path of each beam and what you perceive starting with the head, eyes, auditory system, oro-maxillary joint; continuing through the shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen, legs, respiratory system, heart, stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, kidneys, genitourinary tract, bone marrow, and all the glands associated with each of these. “See” for example, your liver (which, by the way, is a gland, the largest gland and the second largest organ in the human body, just behind the skin) being cleaned from left to right, and coming to the end in its normal colour, dark red, smooth on the outside…

Finish the exercise and stay calm, relaxed, for one to two minutes.

2- Rejuvenating

Although this exercise can be performed independently of the previous one, it should only be used after you have already done the cleaning exercise at least once or twice, as in practice the procedures are very similar and this one, when done, may also include, “as a bonus”, a slight repetition of cleaning.

Same remarks regarding the environment.

• Always start with the lungs sending blood to the heart; focus on the heart by sending blood directly through your bone marrows, femurs, tibias, humerus, radium and ulnas, fingers, toes, and, as I suggested earlier, mainly through the marrows of your rib bones; perceive this passage by insisting that the bloodstream is enriched with more and more stem cells.

As a corollary, of course, the blood will also be enriched with antibodies and white blood cells.

I suggest the same sequence as for “cleaning”:

• Feel your pulse, “feel” the blood passing through the marrow of your bones.

• Once the blood is loaded with stem cells, I will call it “regenerators” from now on, start feeling your breathing and the blood rubbing regenerators, in every cell in every alveolus in the lungs.

Again, I suggest that, if you are a smoker, if possible do not stop smoking until the end of the treatment and then compare results.

• From the lungs, start with the coronary arteries, and “feel” that your coronary arteries are also being filled by multitudes of regenerators, replacing or complementing cells, leaving you beautiful, as they were when you entered maturity and watered all its branches, all the heart muscle and its interior.

• Continue to feel the flow up the jugular veins, left and right renewing the carotids, and travelling throughout the brain and through the myriad blood vessels that feed each neuron.

• Blood continues to flow through the jugular veins and now runs down the cervical spine, slowly regenerating all the veins that run through the entire nervous system, neck, face; of each bundle of nerves that depart from each junction of vertebrae and, in addition to regenerating the nervous system, you follow the flow, regenerating each organ along the path of each bundle, which you perceive starting with the head, eyes, laryngeal, auditory system, bucco-maxillary set; continuing through the shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen, legs, respiratory system, heart, stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, kidneys, genitourinary tract, bone marrow, and all the glands associated with each of these.

Do everything as calmly as possible, working each organ and gland, focusing even more on those that you feel or feel are most important to you.

Finish the exercise and stay calm, relaxed, for one to two minutes.

To see if the exercises work, get as thorough blood tests as you can and at least a front and side chest x-ray before starting everything.

Do the same thing in two months of regular treatment.

If you haven’t improved a lot or at least a little, complain! I will try to repay your effort with an offer of some laughs (which are indisputably a source of health): some light and funny texts.

That’s all for now, folks… — o passaro mais agitado dos desenhos



Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães
Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães

Written by Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães

Already watching the eighty-eight turn of the Earth in curtsy around its King, I’m an engineer that became a writer, happy, in perfect health, body and mind.

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