You have very interesting ways and means of knowing if you are on the right path, Ilana!
And they work because you have great sensitivity. Congratulations.
"Not daydreaming, although that may be a sign too, but dreaming while asleep. If unbidden you have dreams about your affairs working out, that gives you more fuel for the fire, as it were. You see it as evidence of your plans coming to fruition, whether it's a precognitive dream or not".
You are lucky if this happens to you; for me, they are happy dreams that I don't want to wake up to a very different reality.
"In Phoenix, we have a diagonal main street that always holds up traffic called Grand. You can plan on adding 5 minutes to your journey if you have to cross it, 10 at rush hour. So one of the pieces of luck that I look for is getting a green light on Grand, first thing, without waiting".
In São Paulo, Brazil, there is an avenue, Avenida nove de Julho, with intense and uninterrupted traffic; a lady asked a young man: "man, how do I cross to the other side?"; he replied: "I don't know ma'am, I was born on this side".
Crossing the Grand seems easier...
But nothing better than Mark Twain's advice: “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”