"you are a great choice for judge and i'm happy you accepted".
Thanks again, Ann,
But it's not "Bull Pie" that I'm afraid to disappoint you.
You ask me if I'm watching the world cup.
All Brazilians are passionate about association football.
Almost all of them are following each game; But only during matches.
What 70% of us are doing is protesting against the fraud that the Superior Electoral Court, the communists, leftists and the media that call themselves "traditional", wanted to impose on us, electing the vagabond, corrupt and criminal convicted in 26 Criminal Actions for corruption. the ex-convict, Lula as President.
Aware that this would happen, people and truck drivers had already been gathered in Brasilia since November 28th, awaiting the result from the fraudulent and fraudulent ballot boxes announced on the evening of the 30th. Truck drivers stopped on the roads from north to south of the country; stopped the country for 10 days to remind the Ministers of the superior courts of their strength (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Brazil_truck_drivers%27_strike), groups of them are still stopped, without interrupting traffic.
The people, which at the beginning numbered tens of thousands in Brasilia, now we are more than twenty million gathered in front of all the Armed Forces barracks throughout the country, in all the state capitals and in the richest and most important, in particular in agricultural production cities, singing Brazilian anthems and national miliary anthems, carrying banners and posters and shouting: Armed Forces, Save Brazil.
This is 24 hours a day, under scorching sun and rain and thunderstorms. And we will only return home when a military intervention arrests all those involved in the farce and restores Law and Order in the country.
Watch this video that explains quite well what happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZxFasgzmNs
"so far, i have only seen the monologues about fifa, their corruption, the awful conditions ppl worked in to build their stadiums".
Corruption in FIFA is a serious thing, but it is very small, even ridiculous compared to the biggest corruption that has ever existed in the world, systemic corruption, practiced by the PT - Workers' Party - in the government of Brazil in the 16 years of its stay in power.
I participate in the demonstrations, but my main task is to support the inevitable seizure of power by the Armed Forces, so that citizens around the world know that it will not be a military coup, but a counter-coup against the dictatorship that the Federal Supreme Court and the Superior Electoral Court submitted us all.
I select news and videos, some I have to republish on Youtube and copy the link. Then I write brief explanations of what it is about in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English, and send them to dozens of foreign newspapers and magazines, each in the usual language of the publication, in particular videos of our indigenous brothers, like this one: https ://drive.google.com/file/d/1uX6QGaRtsWUAKWIe6MkBb1JcJ93plttt/view?usp=sharing .
I work on this for many hours, sometimes until 3 am; that's what I can do, and I do it out of love for my country.
I have read a few of your works and other favorites of mine, Martin, TzeLin Sam, BichoDoMato, Billy Jones, Frank Moone, Carbono,
Sally A Mortemore, Sahil Patel, Smillew Rahcuef, Jessica Wildfire....
Like many who found themselves in the same situation as me here, it would be pointless and dangerous to keep mentioning more and forget precisely YOU, Nora, for example, whom I admire so much.
So, dear Ann, I repeat: I will try to do the best I can, but at this critical stage in our history, it will be difficult for me not to disappoint you and myself. If you understand everything above, if you want, call another judge.
As soon as we return to live in a democracy again, I will write an article about our struggle and victory.
Gratitude and hug.