Wonderful and powerful testimony, Indirah!
Like everyone else who commented, I also thank you for posting this text with clarity and honesty. And I also wish that you are in full recovery and ready to continue your tasks in all areas that you value and your creative and academic offerings.
“Take care of your body and listen to the messages that it is sending you; illness is not a punishment; it’s an alarm”.
Pure truth!
I died on September 11, 2011, for not having understood in time the signs that my body, or rather my avatar, was giving me: my self did confuse the terrible pain in the abdomen with yet another kidney crisis.
I was resurrected, as you can see, and today, 88 years and 3 months old, I continue to love life and wish I can have this gift for a few more decades; the near-death experience, which you describe with detail and mastery, does change our lives and who we are. No one can go through this and be unscathed by it.
“I could have never imagined the level of pain that my body would endure for months on end and I could have never imagined how weak, fragile, vulnerable and close to death I would be within a matter of a few brutal months”.
I felt excruciating pain as I was taken from home to the first consultation at a public health unit, and from there to the excellent public hospital, where the doctor on duty also made me suffer a lot and even more, asking for exams and more exams, even if I was registered in an emergency and she already had the X-rays taken at the health unit that showed my abdomen full of faeces. It was the end of her shift and I think (until today) she didn't want to have a dead person on her file.
When I finally went into surgery, I was, perhaps since the care at the health unit, in total septicemia.
28 inches of my colon was cut out. From then on in the eight days in an induced coma of course I didn't feel any pain; I only felt pain again - mild - when I was taken to a room. There, I enjoyed marvellous hallucinations, which I describe in “Travelling on morphinesis” and which I remember clearly untill today*.
Even sedated, I remember the figures of my wife, my daughters beside me, and my daughter Thelma giving me Jin Shin Jyutso sessions at every day.
I do know that many friends visited me, but I don't remember their figures.
"Although I didn't want to die, I was fine with it".
I know that I didn't want to die, and I wasn't a little fine with dying. I think any dying person wants to live much; a little longer, a lot longer.
For me, the 28 days from arrival to discharge was an enormous time; for the doctors, it was an admirable, very short recovery.
Once again, congratulations and thank you very much for the good that your story did to me.
* https://medium.com/@blogflaviomusa/travelling-on-morphinesis-4da3c18b0ad3