Very good, James!
A good example of philosophy at the service of life.
Irrelevant comment:
When talking about "functions", "Logarithmic functions" are the inverses of exponential "functions".
But if you talk of A logarithm, it is nothing more than an exponent.
"Remove the checks and balances on humans and you end up with a problem like climate change".
"But we are trying. We are making efforts to curb climate change. We have voices of wisdom like Greta Thunberg which — though we might criticize such voices for their simplicity and naivete at times — we must comment for speaking the simple truth: this way lies death. If we do not correct our course then we are headed for a major collapse".
Almost all the voices, from famous artists, from Greta above all, trivialized the effort, either because these rich people live as most people, due to our ancient nature, would like to live, and preach what is easy for them for a world that admire them, but hate them too. In Greta's case, her travels on wonderful sailboats and since no one gets from New York to Montreal to Edmonton and on to Chile for free,
few governments take her seriously, and coal and oil tycoons take the opportunity to ridicule her aparent sincerity.
"To many this hope seems as futile as the path of wisdom"
It's not futile what the "homo sapiens, sapiens" does when creating the 2050 challenge*, a logical and realistic way of dealing with the problem.
Congratulations and thanks for posting.
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