The dot and the line

Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães
4 min readAug 22, 2020


A tale in a multiverse

Once upon a time, while Euclid was looking at a white sheet of paper, dots could converse one to each other; they did not bother with his scribbles on what he said about axioms.

As he wrote his first proposition, the dots reacted with indignation: how come this imbecile say we are of no part?

Euclid felt a slight tremor on the feathers of his pen and scribbled the second one. Dots, outraged, shacked the point of the pen revolted with someone as stupid as to say they could form a line with no width.

Poor Euclid continued each sentence suffering increasingly tremors in hand.

When reaching the last, the twenty-first, he was trembling all over his body! The reaction of dots as forming parallels that could not encounter was enough for them! They disappeared not to die under such stupidity.

Euclid did not know what was occurring, thought that he was suffering from an unknown disease, that would be baptised more than two thousand years in the future. Fortunately, this was not so: humanity would have not achieve the present standards without Euclids’ axioms and principles up some years passed.

It took more than two thousand years to science recognise that the dots were right, and so to this fable may be written.

Once upon a time, there was a line

That was curled up, curled up,

So much so that in this world

It was just a point; invisible,

Unnoticed, bland-some,


In his boring, colourless universe,

Nine or more dimensions

The line dreamed of being people,

Be straight, a distinct line,

Unlike so many others,

Distinctive and noble,

As knew he once was.

Behold, a line,

Straight, distinct,

Walked in 3w space

As every night she did.

She saw a rolled, scribbled help note

Left there.

Suspicious, but curious,

She replied without leaving a clue.

The dot, the coiled one,

Let’s call it “little clew”

Perplexed, delighted,

He threw more tickets at random.

The other night

The line let to be seen.

Little clew saw her lines

He saw and admired them:

Straight, beautiful, colourful!

Somewhat embarrassed,

Already a little uncoiled

He approached her.

Tried to fool her around

But she had long experience

Did not fell into the trap.


At first suspicious,

Let the Little clew

Talk and listen.

Chat go chat come

He went straightened up

More and more

Until a beautiful day,

I say beautiful night,

The distinct and straight line,

Maybe a little tart,

Maybe a little dizzy,

Invited him

To meet at E4!

He, already a line,

Although rumpled,

Mismatched yet in this space

Of volumes and colours

Where he knew had been

At last, managed to arrive.

Heart-racing -

- Yes, here even there was heart -,

To the captivating and frank smile,

Its colours, beauty,

He melted.

Little by little,

Was solidifying

A temper here and there,

Straight also became!

Next to each other, closer and closer,

A desired common point touched,

They rolled into fusion!

An explosion in sounds and colours!

Tenderness, caresses, affection …

As so they would follow as a single line

Happy forevermore,

If, elypses, parabolas, hyperboles,

Confuse, distress them,

Words hurt them.

Love, stronger,

Erased risks,


Heal wounds, reconstructed pieces.

The marks remained

As memories

From adventures and happiness.

Hence, they follow today

Their ways.

Parallel or not

Loving each other

Happily ever after.



Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães
Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães

Written by Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães

Already watching the eighty-eight turn of the Earth in curtsy around its King, I’m an engineer that became a writer, happy, in perfect health, body and mind.

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