My first Christmas


And what a one!

Photo by Anton Darius on Unsplash

It is the first after the surgery in which I was practically born again. So, the first after I was “born”, on September 21, 2011.

For so many messages received and for those who visited me, I realized and even “remembered” that it is a party where it is Law to be happy (as in João and Maria de Chico and Sivuca)[1], to wish good things, even for those who do not know each other, some hypocrisy, eat a lot, drink ditto, laugh. Ah! I was forgetting, giving gifts and, worse, going to buy them! Reason for much anxiety and sacrifice.

I have visions or hallucinations (something that I lived with intensely in my first days of life), things like memories.

In the mix of memories, there are occasions for parties that seem to be Christmas, many that make me happy and that I “miss”, others that cause me boredom and anguish. You cannot cast out nines out of everything. What matters is that I am a happy and happy baby, even though, in that “other life” there are holes that indicate little perception or clairvoyance, or that there is still a lot to do.

I had a lot of very dear people, father, mother, brothers, daughters and sons, nephews, many friends, and everyone I know is here, today and within me, to whom, very young, I send my affection and gratitude,, my wish that everyone:

Be happy when possible, always incredibly joyful.

As usual, a child speaks the truth, even if it is inconvenient: it is an angel …

In this life, I try to remember who my mother is, and the figure of a short and ugly Japanese appears. But … Mother is a mother; he became beautiful and loving to me. There are she and he angels, that helped in my long childbirth: special feelings and wishes go to these and those, and much love in return for yours.

Some things seem to be dictated to me, and here I psycho graph one.

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There is an apocryphal text, idiotically attributed by a fool to Borges, which begins like this:

“If I could live my life again,

the next, I would try to make more mistakes. I wouldn’t try to be so perfect, …”.

“Borges would not only not be the author of the poem, but he would not be capable of such simple syllogisms,” said his widow.

The “apocrifist” is silly because, in my view, the poem is good, and he thus misses an opportunity to be personally recognized.

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The IBGE (Brazilian Institute For Geography and Statistics) says that being born in 2011 and here in this country I will be over 74 years old; if you add the past life, beyond 150!

I live a new life.

If I feel like,

It is enough time to make new mistakes,

Taking risks, I know that in this I was good!

Watch the sunrise?

Only if still awake after long dawn.

Sure, it’s for other types of people.

I will not go up in hills and mounds,

Where there are rays and lightning bolt

Are not my cup of tea.

I hate snow and cold,

Best to watch on postcards.

As many as health leave me,

All in all, and if it comes in handy

More and many intriguing, brave, women

I will look after for support,

Soul embellishment,


Any race, any complexion.

If I was not always sensible,

Now then, released,

I can be crazy for good.

Without accepting contempt

Accepting from life fate,

Even mumbling, maybe …

And if you do not like it,

Your problem: put up with.

Friends, you know and feel,

More I will do if of my dear ones

From the same strain attached,

That ennobles, enhances me.

With the lesson of the previous life

I will be different

I will avoid, by God!

Types like the ones in the past,

Were false, rogue, hypocrite.

And speaking of a friend and such,

From the constants to me,

I can’t forget the cigarette,

(Cigar when money comes)

I will smoke them a lot more

By health reason, yes,

That I always cling to them

When the need calls for ‘em.

Scotches, what to say?

Only Dry Martini supplants ‘em,

But this one has time and place.

An alcoholist, not an alcoholic,

They are medicine and pleasure for me

At night it soothes, comforts,

Suggests dreams maybe,

Keep away awkward stuff.

Peewee still,

I cannot have them soon

Only after next May,

Maturity reached.

The scrub was endless

And a burnt child dreads the fire…

Ice cream and lentils

They do not even tickle me.

I prefer Sujinho’s[2]

A bloody steak

Also, wonderful, yes,

Sausage with beer.

From the plagues, I come from

Almost everything fits well.

Before you leave,

Congratulations on your patience

To get up here.

This is just a bundle

Of much or no relevance

From what I opened me up.

If you liked please do greet,

Do not be absent.


If the psychograph abhorred you,

Bad luck.

“I will leave you alone,

I’ll chant elsewhere[3][4](Lyrics here).


[2] Restaurant in São Paulo, Brazil. With his irreverent name for a restaurant, Sujinho (little dirty) continues with a history with more than 50 years. The relaxed atmosphere, the cosy atmosphere and a simple food more with that flavour of mom’s house, reinforce their traditions.





Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães
Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães

Written by Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães

Already watching the eighty-eight turn of the Earth in curtsy around its King, I’m an engineer that became a writer, happy, in perfect health, body and mind.

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