I did love this text of tours, Suzan!
Firstly, I need to tell you that I am a “Doubtist", the ones that always search for answers, doubts about its certainties.
Born and educated in Roman Catholic Church beliefs and rules, back in 1954, one year after entering University to get an engineers bachelor’s diploma, I started my quest on religion; I didn’t know by then that it was on my philosophy of and on life.
Abhorred the nonsense and perverse religion I had been unknowingly and unrespect involved in, read texts, books, conferences, discussed the matter with different colleagues of various beliefs and atheists. On spiritism, after reading “The new civilization of the third millennium”, I had the opportunity to meet and talk to Pietro Ubaldi. Even so, nothing satisfied me, no one, including atheism, could answer my questioning, the reasoning of a student and believer of exact sciences.
My parents worked hard to maintain me and my two youngest brothers; although the University was (and is still) public, maintained by the State of Sao Paulo, I had to work to pay for books, apostilles, food and travel: we lived far from the University’s premises.
Besides give classes of math, geometry, physics, and Portuguese worked at the Fellows University Centre digiting and drawing pictures apostilles on a stencil to be printed hours after classes. The pay was meagre but came at handy.
Several nights I had to sleep there upon cotton press on shelves.
One night, I waked up at wee hours, with a flash, similar perhaps as the one of Saulo’s in the road to Damascus: you are free, you is you, the truth and answers are to be searched and found in you!
It took me almost ten years of psychoanalysis to understand and live the flash.
Now, healthy, at 85 and some months, I am a happy and joyful person and, looking backwards, with the assistance of your words, I know that I have had, many acquaintances, loves, soul mates, but only one Twin Flame in my life; as Stephen wrote, "a complete soul, not half a soul".
Stupidity, idiotic fears of mine, led us physically apart; nonetheless, we still love and respect each other.
I believe that this flame will last over millenniums, maybe will reunite us within this life.
Thank you and congratulations,