Health, Quarks, Leptons and Gluons
The power of our minds 1
Now, what is this story about health mixed with fundamental particles?
Know that these things with these little-known names are, in large part, if not totally, the fundamental basis of our health.
Every little bit of everything, including our body is constituted, deep down, at the root, from the combination of all. [1]
Every little bit of our skin, liver, spleen, bones, brain, …. is made up of cells that, in turn, are composed of chemical elements, such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. These and other elements present in a smaller quantity are part of the inorganic and organic compounds that constitute us.
All, therefore, depending on the harmony and unity of Leptons, Quarks and Gluons, which rotate, oscillate, are both matter and wave.
In a healthy body, all this permanent agitation is like a harmonious and beautiful symphony; in a sick body, agitation is in disarray, “music” is an irritating cacophony.
But, in addition to traditional medicine, there is a heterodox, but efficient and effective way to cure diseases and maintain health, which I intuitively and successfully use.
[1] And it’s even more complicated: There are six types of quarks, known as “flavours”: up, down, strange, charm, bottom and top; but only two interest us, given their importance in the formation of subatomic particles. They are Up and Down quarks. So that Quarks can form matter, well, that’s where the Gluons come in. And, to complete the construction of ourselves, the Leptons enter.
1 — Lying on your back and relaxed — at first I suggest starting the exercises only in the sun — , feeling and enjoying the energy entering your body; close your eyes and slowly imagine its wrapping and contents — the skin and everything in it — becoming like a solid mass, without cracks or interstices, whole but plastic, like big gelatin of firm consistency.
2 — Slowly let this mass become what it is: an almost infinite set of infinitesimal point bricks, which vibrate, touch, dance. Use the thermal energy, the heat you feel from the sun as the primary source to organize the “orchestra” of particles, into harmonic waves.
3 — Feel, then, that hundreds of trillions of neutrinos pass through your body [1], cleaning the minimum spaces between Quarks and, consequently, you.
To feel the effects, do this whenever the sun comes up, many times. Then, after well trained you can do the exercises at any time of the day or night, as the energy of the sun is always present, even on the other side of the earth.
Here I am, at the age of 85 to prove it works; my medical examinations suggest that my health is similar to that of my 40/50ties. Of course, I help by taking multivitamins once a day, vitamin C 500, E 400, aspirin 100 and I took Gingko Biloba 80 twice a day, but I drink and drank strong coffee all day through until I go to bed and studies relates reasonably diminished risks of acquiring Alzheimer and Parkinson [2], increasing short term memory although not proving, as yet, the improvement of the long-lasting ones. Both, short term and long-lasting of mine are excellent; in the last 20 years (when I first wrote this text) I do not take Gingko Biloba anymore.
Try it and, whether it works or not — after at least a month of treatment — comment here.
Next on the power of our minds: II — Cleansing and renewing each of your organs
[1] The chances of a neutrino hitting a quark on your body are less than winning the lottery 56 times, as he said he did as the Bahia deputy, João Alves, one of the “Budget Dwarves”. And, if it happens, nothing matters the explosion of a neutrino, due to its infinitesimal mass, with a quark will be zillion times less than that of a June party.