

Although this is the second story of yours I've read, I found it necessary to read your personal story.

Here I go!

It's because I've seen several posts of "Who I Am", or "About me" as you used it, that I wrote, in my "Who I Am"


"Reading theirs and many that are published here, I had to try to make one, not as good as all of them, at least that would not annoy my readers, that would stop reading after some paragraphs. I do not like this one, but I tried hard, believe me!".

Your “Who I Am” is sensational! The description of your professional development, of so many professions that you have exercised and still exercise, of so much competence and confidence, I would have prevented me from publishing mine if I had seen it before.

It is for this reason, out of pity that I published mine before reading yours, that I make a long comment. If you find it inconvenient, please delete it.

"I do try to work nights from home for a multitude of reasons — one of which is the darker nights provide greater privacy and fewer intrusions for my work".

I agree! In my case, we ended up, out of necessity, buying a house for a bargain, but one that is too big for my wife, me, and the Chihuahuas. We don't have employees and she – who works a lot – cannot handle all the household chores alone; the many menial tasks that I have to do since I get up, receiving the postman, carrying garbage out, the delivery people, going to the market (twice a week), people asking where to find a street... leave me little room to read posts like yours, Benjamin Cain, James Cussen, Hotse Langeraar, Martin French, TzeLin, EP McKnight, Ilana Lidia, Ann James, Ethan Siegel... I couldn't mention here all the excellent writers I follow. My gratitude to all of you!

Ufa! My uninterrupted privacy begins at 10:30 or 11:00 pm; I have to go until 3, sometimes 4 am; 6 and a half hours of sleep and I wake up groggy to face a new day.

I think this also explains why I write and publish so little.

I really liked this one:

"Gra'm, folks; the comedic lyrist never meant to be".

It describes your face well in your self-photography.

From nose to top: High forehead, large skull box, slightly furrowed brows, hard, penetrating gaze: the worried professional and businessman.

Bellow nose: Oval chin of a gentle person, a slight smile starting down at the corner of the lips, indicating mockery, perhaps contempt for the seriousness of the upper part... Or was it because of writing and making jokes?

Your own description of yourself clarifies:

“I am a meticulous, service oriented, very technically inclined, mature (presently single but non-eligible) male, now retired Electrical / Computer / Controls Engineer, with an inherent gift for putting thoughts into writing, discerning possible outcomes, talking to anyone, outlining and following through with any plan; plus, am a well-noted technical instructor, writer and editor in many industries and social circles.”

I think the serious, worried man, won.

“Then again, if you were to ask one or more very close friends or family to describe me in one sentence, you’ll likely hear any of the following:”

My guess is “None of the above”.

“that’s a long story all its own (maybe I’ll return to insert a link here if I ever write “that story”)”.

I would very much like you to publish it, and I am sure that others who have read and will read this story will too.

“Here is an extremely short I wrote about what happened”.

A concise, clear and well-written story.

“So, like I said before, I endeavor to use humor to both engage with people and help transfer knowledge. I like to do so with readers, listeners, students or any receptive audience; especially among friends, family and work associates. To that end — literally — I bid you “g’day.”.

“If you’re the type that really likes “Diving Deeper into Personal History,” then have a look at this following extra on me — kind of explains how I got to be me and how I started out.

Not that I'm very interested in “Diving Deeper into Personal History,” but I was interested in yours “About Me” and I didn't accept “I bid you "g'day"; I read the whole "extra on me".

See you later, then.



Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães
Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães

Written by Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães

Already watching the eighty-eight turn of the Earth in curtsy around its King, I’m an engineer that became a writer, happy, in perfect health, body and mind.

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