Excellent text, Georgia Dimitrious!
What a boiling imagination you have! And, it would only work for you, if it weren't for your talent to write a clear, well-connected story and paragraphs, which lead us not to stop reading and, at the end, say: "I want more!".
I wonder how you would write the arrival of a she-sinner in hell.
I think she-sinner wouldn't crawl; she would walk, nose up, in high heels, wiggling, occasionally lighting her lighter so as not to stain herself in the filth, until the door: when she got there, she would try the handle, failing to open it, she would speak loudly, in her husky, sensual voice "Hey you! Open this fucking door!" Having no answer, she would take off one of her stiletto heel shoes, knock on the door until it opened.
In the room, still dark, with the light of the lighter, she would see the chairs, she would sit in the chair opposite, light a cigarette at the end of the golden lacquer holder, look for the ashtray, not finding one, in a loud voice "What a fuck hell! No ashtrays!"
Her "Alecto" (you'd have the proper name in this case), would appear, "Hello! I'm your demon handler here in hell.
- Great pleasure! Can you bring me an ashtray?
"I think you didn’t understand: you are in the hell that you created for yourself."
- You are crazy! I would never create hell for me without some logical and necessary things!" Bring me an ashtray as a conversation starter!"
You would certainly write another brilliant text.
But, I guarantee that, in the end, the she-sinner would release the "Alecto", after he signed a document, with the letterhead and signature of the Demonic Records Secretary, sending her to go demonize, to piss off, the Kingdom of the heavens and the whole bunch there, or go back alive to her coffin, if so she wished, frighten the mourning ones there, and start a new life.
Congratulations! Thanks for posting!
And, thank you so much for following me: it's a joy and honor to have you on my trail.