Dreams, clear dreams, in the confused, crazy clarity they have.
They have some information, many of which we don’t understand; they are only for the enjoyment of Jungians.
The dictionary tells me:
noun [ C ]
1 — Act or effect of dreaming.
2 — Set of images, thoughts or fantasies that present themselves to the mind during sleep.
If you search for “dream interpretation”, Google will open dozens of websites that tell you nonsense with no scientific basis. they are like the astrological predictions published by some newspapers and magazines, in general, aimed at the female audience; in my view, its editors are sexist: they insinuate that women are more gullible and naive than men. They all say that your new love is just around the corner, that you’re going to win a fortune, in the lottery or an inheritance, or some bullshit like that.
Commercial: If you want to see what astrology really is, seriously, without these parrots, check out https://youyube.com/c/ThellmaSchinnerJSJ by my daughter.
And dreams are material for Jungian psychoanalysis, also scientific, but which lasts for a long time and often never ends; many clients of Jung analysts end up dependent on them. Jung carried out an experiment in the interpretation of words using Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, which gave him visibility; he continued his studies and earned the title of father of psychoanalysis. It is not a “shortcut” for the cure, but it is much more effective and of short treatment. I am a witness in this case: I was cured in the first six months of treatment by the wonderful Professor Armando Ferrari.[1]
Nowadays, dreams have come to be scientifically studied; see http://blog.sbnec.org.br/2012/10/a-interpretacao-cientifica-dos-sonhos/. Right click on the text to read in English
I always dreamed, like everyone else, from the first days after being born, certainly in the first months of age, proven by nightmares we had and our parents would come to our aid, the baby crying for no other reason. So I gather that they also had nice, pleasant dreams, perhaps about their mother’s breast or the warmth of the womb.
Once I’ve become aware of myself, my dreams are colourful, usually clear, in their crazy, confused clarity.
Some repetitive ones: me on top of a cliff, looking at the blue sea below, jumping, diving and swimming in that delight; in another, I enter the sea on a small beach, swim and an extensive gulf opens up; I swim, or take a canoe, and visit small islands with huts, others with beautiful, luxurious, multicoloured and bright hotels. From a beach (which doesn’t exist) at the end of Guarujá, swimming, sometimes paddling in a canoe, I cross the channel (!) and arrive at the pier for the departure and arrival of cargo and passenger ships in Itacuruçá, a passenger ship with two or three decks, not an ocean liner, is arriving, I oar beside it, passengers beckon me.
I love the sea; in its absence, a swimming pool will do: In a condominium where I thought I lived (and I visited a few times), from the stone on the left, I jump forward with others and take good strokes, I’m the fastest; or I jump backwards, towards the artificial wave pool, I dive under the first one, the next one throws me again to the rock.
There was a period when dreams were black and grey, several; if you’re curious, open it here[2].
After some black and grey dreams, I dreamed this one that I find interesting to show, ending the text:
Even more recurrent: I entered a high building, went up the stairs, and suddenly the stairs started to go up outside the building; I would go up, more and more terrified of falling, I would wake up scared. After a few repetitions, since I already knew it was a dream: I climbed to the highest point of the stairs; threw myself into the abyss.
I never had these nightmares again and went to dream in colour again.
[1] https://www.spiweb.it/la-ricerca/ricerca/ferrari-armando-b/
[2] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cmx6eRjK1bqNcliUEohMm-GU0VJkzcn6/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114540767088890527147&rtpof=true&sd=true