Dear Shannon,
Like everyone else who commented, I'm also shocked! Outraged!
Your story, told with honesty, sincerity, with an open heart, is emotional and brings important information: I knew nothing about lipidemic; I went to Google and... God in heaven! What an insidious and malignant disease, so misunderstood by so many doctors who do not even have the competence to diagnose it, let alone treat it!
Your story needs to be widely publicized; that's what I'm going to do.
Jeez, you are a brave, dedicated mother, an admirable person.
I would love to be able to contribute to your crowdfunding, but I can't
1 - Because I don't have the resources to do so, especially with the conversion rate today, which is 5.70 Reais per Dollar;
2 - Even if I could do it, you can't imagine the bureaucracy that the laws require us, and the rate of Tax on International Financial Transactions; even as a donation it is complicated and expensive.
But I can send your message to friends and acquaintances who can afford it; please send me your fund link to my email address: .
There are many supposed reasons for people to hate someone, for example, if you do them a favor, some people of bad character instead of having eternal gratitude to you, hate you for the shame of the fact, of the occasion.
Of course this is not the case with this poor brain sick, who hates and bullies so many others; despite the moral and physical damage she criminally causes, she is a person to be pitied. It certainly needs a long psychoanalytic treatment.
Like so many here, I tell you and I beg you, forget about this bitch, she doesn't deserve a second of your noble attention!
I believe this was the first work of yours that I read. I already activated the link; I will receive and read all your posts.
Hold on, girl, it's just a little while before you can get rid of this evil and be able to devote even more to your daughter.
Congratulations, gratitude and admiration,