Dear Shannon,
"I knew plenty about nutrition, but I had the experience to prove that if I wanted to lose weight, I had to cut my calories way down low. I noticed that 1,000 calories a day were too much for me to lose weight, even with exercise. Even when I cut out sugar".
Your experience in nutrition is vast and solid: it is marvellous that you are sharing it with all of us that reads you. Thanx.
"The funniest thing to me, though, is how no one who’s given me advice about lifestyle changes has ever asked me what I’m currently doing"...
More than funny, it's impolite.
"It also comes up in Google search results for “lipedema” and “lipo-lymphedema nutrition.” Better yet? It’s written by a team of actual experts".
Yes, how I already answered you on another comment to a post , is what I did as soon I read the first of your posts that I read.
Everybody that has never had an idea of what this was about should do that.
"Limited animal products to 6-8 servings week".
Shannon, it would be a torment to me! I ate all sorts of fatty meat every day; especially at dinner: I need it to sleep well...
Keep on, dear girl. From the height of my 87, I can call you a girl... lol
We know that your surgery’s outcome will lead you to live a healthy lifestyle. The enormous pain and suffering will be worthwhile.
Happy New Year!