Dear Cherri/Trobee,
Very good article!
As well as defining "good versus evil", this is a topic that the best philosophers, including the excellent Benjamin Cain, have not yet found the definitive answer to.
It is written in the so-called New Testament that John the Evangelist wrote: "38 "What is truth?" asked Pilate"; and did not hear the answer. Besides saying "I am the Truth", what could he say that would guide and teach the Gentiles?
Great that you alert us and make us think.
"Who said “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”? Well, it depends on what reliable source you used".“That is true or in accordance with fact or reality.”
Here, in Brazil, you cannot rely on any of the so considered traditional media: what they show on the TV or write is easy to know: they are not according to reality and real facts we saw or know for sure.
"Because the truth is we love to write".Perfect!
Thanks for mentioning my article. I'm happy and most honored for that.
Yes, am following you.