All living beings are inside its avatar

Or: All of them live in submarines

Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães
7 min readJun 26, 2023

In submarines?

Yes, inside shells, caskets, membranes or skins, immersed in water, soil or air.

I use the term avatar to distinguish it from the term “body”, which is the set of caskets, membranes, skins and everything it contains, from the primitive unicellular beings to us who, pretentiously, arrogantly, classify ourselves as Homo Sapiens… Sapiens.

But for them to become what we see today, leaving aside when life appeared on the planet, 3.5 billion years ago, let’s start by examining the appearance of bacteria and protozoa that have only one cell and are inside a membrane, and are responsible for all the functions of the specimen, whose only concern is to feed and replicate, generally not needing any coordination or cooperation with other cells of its species to survive.

If unicellular beings are so well adapted, why do they gather in specialized cell masses?”[1] Yes, they had to do it to find others to multiply.

And how did I find others? First by chance, then they developed flagella[1] — helping to capture nutrients and move around. The movement of the flagella caused vibrations that were felt by the others and directed towards a partner to start reproduction.

But the development of an organ that reacted to light took millions of years.

There is no evidence that primitive single-celled organisms responded to the stimulus of light waves.

But in the Cambrian Period from 545 million years ago appeared the brachiopods [2] that displayed strange black spots on each side of the front part of their bodies; and their larvae, when they were four days old, displayed strange black spots on each side of the front part of their bodies. After being dissected by Carsten Luter, a biologist at the Museum of Natural History in Berlin and colleagues, it was discovered that these spots represented pairs of neurons — one for capturing light and another containing pigment. Then, the researcher Passamaneck, in a postdoctoral thesis at the University of Hawaii Yale — together with his team, realized that it was photoreceptors whose genes were completely active 36 hours after fertilization; he projected a focus of light on each side of a slide with embryos to check if the embryos were using light in some way. The brachiopod embryo is covered in pulsating hair fillers, which it uses to swim in a spiral pattern. The researcher found that, after 20 minutes, twice as many embryos had passed to the lighted side of the slide. It was then suggested that such cells can detect the direction of light and use this information to change the rhythm and direction of their hairs.

Scientists at Lund University in Sweden wondered in 1994 that the eye’s basic optical components could have evolved easily over a million years; but the eye only got to have all the characteristics that allow us to see the world with the perfection and wonder that we enjoy today, between 195,000 and 160,000 years ago.

As for the reproduction of these primitive beings: it can be asexual (as with bacteria) or sexual (as is the case with certain protozoans).

Furthermore, single-celled organisms can be either prokaryotes or eukaryotes.

In prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea[2]), the genetic material is not contained in a nucleus but is dispersed in the cytoplasm.

In eukaryotes (all other organisms), however, it is possible to notice the presence of a nucleus delimited by a nuclear membrane (carioteca) that houses the DNA”.

All living organisms, plants, some species of fungi, algae, and all animals (hence Homo Sapiens, Sapiens) are built from many parts of multicellular organisms with hundreds of millions, even billions of nuclei.

OK, but which came first? The egg or the chicken? I mean DNA or primitive unicellular beings? Could it be that in the case of chickens, this is explained?

1 — “The egg came first. Chickens, like all birds, are descendants of reptiles. In other words, very old reptiles that no longer exist, reproduced and generated different offspring that reproduced and generated even more different offspring. In this way, after millions of years, they originated different birds, the chicken being one of them.

*Sources: “Structural Control of Crystal Nuclei by an Eggshell Protein” by Colin L. Freeman, John H. Harding, David Quigley and P. Mark Rodger, Universities of Sheffield and Warwick, England (2010).

And other:

2 — “The chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) evolved from a wild species around 50 million years ago. At some point, an ancestor of the “domesticated” chicken laid an egg containing an embryo with different genetic characteristics from its parents. After becoming an adult, this embryo then laid an egg like the one we have today. According to this theory, the chicken came first.

** explanation.htm?cmpid=copiaecola

If, by chance, a scientist of the theory of the evolution of species, a geneticist, reads this text, will he have an answer about what came first? DNA or primitive unicellular beings?

According to the first Chicken and Egg hypothesis, it was the DNA; the second speculates that it was unicellular beings, and this one makes no sense: how could a unicellular being produce something that was already inside it?

What are they used for?

Everyone and anyone,

1. Primarily to maintain life, and

2. To grow and multiply

As no two avatars are alike, they use barks, shells, and covers, to be recognized, show off their talents and careers, get to know their peers and their surroundings, hide and avoid confrontations and dangers.

Some animals: chameleons, toads, frogs, octopuses, squids, various insects, and other lizards, change their skin colour to hunt or protect themselves.[3]

Those who do not know how to change their skin colour, cover themselves with shells, membranes, cloaks or layers that determine their species and nature; humans change their avatars many times, day and night.

They change covers, out of vanity, because they like the beauty of the models of covers that other avatars use according to the time or season, because of the need for comfort in the cold, in the sun, wherever they are, at home, on the street, and for professional needs.

Sometimes it’s difficult to recognize who the avatar is, so much they change their appearance at their convenience, age…

jamie-lee-curtis —
Leticia-Spiller — acervotv-globo
Sílvio Santos —

Ugly avatars, without a cape, like this one, which can be downright disgusting,

it becomes acceptable, even elegant, with a cape

In my post on Medium ‘Language and clothing’ — — I tried to show that the discovery of the use of coverings was the key to the creation of speaks in an organized language, of civilization, society, art, science, everything that our avatars can do and enjoy today.
Used by whom?
There’s no clear line on who uses who; whether the ‘cores’ use them or are used by them. There are grey and/or overlapping areas where roles are reversed.
The cores think they rule the roost, they command everything. They tell them to read, listen, see, and smell what they think is of interest, to study, to acquire more and more experience and culture, to move to go where they want to go, walk, learn to ride a scooter, bicycle, drive vehicles, to get into public vehicles to be transported to a destination, a meeting place, a meeting, a cinema, theatre, restaurant, bar, a mountain or a beach.
But avatars need air, water, and food; the nuclei obey them, take them to less polluted areas, stop doing what they wanted, and take them to drink water, give up the original route and go to collect food, kill animals to eat, go to markets and supermarkets; in meetings, cinemas, theatres, restaurants, bars, in the mountains or beaches, the avatars force them to pee, poop, drink something, eat something. If the cores like a special food and eat more than the avatars need, they eat spoiled food, cores stop letting them vomit, go to a hospital, and are prevented from doing what they wanted or desired.
If it rains or the sun is intense, the situation is reversed again; their avatars protect them with capes, umbrellas or parasols; intense sun on the beach and the nucleus was not careful? More inversion, the burned avatar requires care, and treatment, and cannot sleep well, the core is at its mercy.
And there I go, aware that I am not my avatar, but that I use it: I see, speak, touch, feel, hug, kiss, feel, have sex with avatars that I love or fall in love with, I have immense pleasure, I make him eat foods I like, drink juices, alcoholic beverages, feel intoxicated and get dizzy or drunk. And I am his slave.
And where am I?
In another text of mine “No! It wasn’t the apple”, I was already looking for an answer to this question; to date, I haven’t found a satisfactory answer.
What came first?
Me or him?
Does your avatar, who sees me, knows me, loves me or is my love, have an answer?
Am I crazy?
I do not believe; my avatar is in excellent health, cheerful, happy, friendly, like avatars, loves and is loved, loves his life.

[1]$flagelo#:~:text=Os%20flagelos%20s%C3%A3o%20filamentos%20finos,protozo%C3%A1rios%2C%20esponjas%20e %20g%C3%A2goals%20m%C3%B3bevels.



Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães

Already watching the eighty-eight turn of the Earth in curtsy around its King, I’m an engineer that became a writer, happy, in perfect health, body and mind.