Admirable text, Natasha!
Your honesty and openness have helped or inspired many who have left comments here.
"Just somebody to chase my Lyft as I stared out the rearview mirror. Needed somebody to run through TSA then get arrested while risking it all, and declaring their love for me, in a crowded airport".
Beautifull poem!
"The mortality risks associated with loneliness are comparable to the risks of smoking 15 cigarettes a day".
I'm blessed by my heritage and my DNA: I smoke between 15 and 20 cigarettes a day and, at 87, I have perfect physical and mental health (disregarding the fact that I continue to smoke...), a lot of breath, demonstrated by laboratory tests, X-rays and tomography.
I really like to smoke.
But as I believe the only man to comment here, I must remember
"I never dated, I didn't know how to date, stupid shyness cause I only discovered when I was whose psychotherapy, much later", An excerpt of "Who I Am" (
Fortunately, due to help and instructions of my friend Father Benedito Vieira, I dare to initiate a date with my neighbor with whom I came to marry; then... to find my definitive love, with whom I live to this day.
Congratulations and thank you very much for following me: it is, for me, a joy and honor.